1 in 5 Website Visitors Require Accommodations
Don’t risk violating their civil rights and risk getting sued by not complying.
Shed Light On Your Website For Disabled People

Visually Impaired Web Accessibility
Most people can understand that even a minor visual impairment can make consuming the average web page a difficult task.
The Optimized Accessibility Tool addresses people with visual impairment needs in the following ways:
- Our built in screen reader can read the words to the user as an alternative to reading the words themselves.
- The contact adjustment feature allows the user to quickly toggle through 4 alternatives.
- If the text is simply too small of a font size, the bigger text option solves this issue.
- Legible fonts overrides the font used on the web page with a very easy to interpret font.
- The cursor options makes finding the cursor much easier.
Elderly Web Accessibility
Many elderly people are just now hopping online for the first time.
Many nuisances of websites regular users have become accustom to are still foreign to them.
Having the Optimized Accessibility Tool installed on your website gives them numerous options to make your website much more usable for them.

Blind Person Web Accessibility
Can you even imagine being blind and trying to use a website?
No doubt, it is daunting to think about.
Most blind people that use a computer and surf the web regularly have a tool of their own installed on their computer which gives them the ability to enjoy using a computer and everything the internet has to offer.
Our tool is a great backup option for them if they are not on their computer or if it is not functioning properly.
Impaired Motor Skills Web Accessibility
Millions of people have motor skill disabilities.
Many of them are not able to use a mouse.
They navigate the web solely via the keyboard.
You may have noticed our tool has keyboard navigation built in. Most websites ‘built in’ keyboard navigation is quite useless to someone who relies on it.

Situational Web Accessibility
The disabilities no one thinks about.
Not all disabilities are permanent. Some are temporary and can even just be situational.
Lesser thought about disabilities that make typical web page use difficult include:
- Broken arms and other broken bones
- Sprained or jammed digits, wrists, elbows, or shoulders
- Environments with excessive sunlight
- Noisy environments
- Dilated pupils after an eye exam
- Parents with infants
And the list goes on and on.
Failure to comply with Section 508 of the Department of Justice’s ADA (American with Disabilities Act) Standards for Accessible Design could expose your company to hefty fines, the risk of expensive criminal, and civil litigation.
Websites that do not meet WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility standards can be fined up to $50,000 for their 1st violation and $100,000 for their 2nd. Compensation of damages add to your already large monetary risk.
Be Proactive
Once you are served, your only recourse is to settle or battle it out in court.
Having our web accessibility tool on your website is not something the plaintiff’s lawyer wants to see.
Submission of screenshots of our tool on your website and invoices paid dating back prior to the hypothetical incident is almost always sufficient for the judge to dismiss the case, if the lawyer is willing to proceed in the first place.
Web Accessibility Tool Pricing
We offer 3 pricing options in an effort to fit most business' budgets.
(most popular)
(save over 16% compared to monthly)
1-Time Fee
(best value)
Contact us if you have multiple websites for bulk pricing. Savings begin with as few as 2 websites.
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